The swim gear that you require for the MōTTIV training app might be more than you're used to, but this gear is selected for very specific reasons.  Swim gear, if used correctly, can provide a huge benefit.

But it can be used incorrectly and actually make your swimming suffer. The gear we've selected will help you make progress in the pool faster than if you use your own selections or choose to forego "pool toys" altogether.


Total cost should be less than $100. Swim equipment is the cheapest equipment endurance athletes need to purchase, so don't cheap out on this stuff.

Snorkel: We like the original Finis snorkel with the spit trap. Reviews on it tend to be the best and it's always priced well. But really, any center-snorkel works.    

Band: You can use something as simple as a tied-up bike tube or something as complex as canvas ankle locks. Either one is fine with us.

Pull Buoy: We strongly recommend getting the Eney Buoy pull buoy. When the air chambers are empty it provides a lot of lift to the legs, and it has the added benefit of being able to fill up the air chambers to add drag and become a training tool that we'll use in workouts.

Tech Paddles: Tech paddles are the best hand paddles for developing swimmers. They de-stabilize the body forcing the swimmer to learn to be stronger in the water, and they promote a good forearm catch. Typical paddles artificially create power in the water which can allow swimmers to think their catch and pull is working when it actually isn't, these paddles can also create a pause at the front of the stroke which is a big no-no in triathlon swimming. The smallest size available works best for both men and women.

Stretch Cords: We use stretch cords before workouts in the race season to develop the muscular endurance to last through the swim without tiring out. The model we use is called Stretchcordz, they're the gold version with the hand paddles so you can "feel the catch".