For anyone looking for a Swim Analysis to determine the best drills to work on to improve their stroke, we work with Brenton Ford at  (Make sure you mention you're a member of the MōTTIV training app when you sign up with Effortless Swimming!)

In order to get a proper swim analysis, so you're not wasting your time or money, you'll need to provide proper video footage of yourself swimming. The video footage you'll need is of you in the water in the following:  

  1. From the side (over and under the water) 
  2. Head on (over and under the water) 
  3. If possible, ideally a shot directly overhead. 

The best way to accomplish this is using a GoPro, and have someone shoot for you OR use a clamp attachment to clamp it underwater. Alternatively, if you have a waterproof case for a smartphone (iPhone, Android, etc.), you could use that to record your footage.  

The key is getting full-body video so the person analyzing your stroke can see what your entire body does in the water.  If the footage is too close up and part of your body is cut off, the footage won't be very useful.