As long as you've answered the questions honestly when you signed up to the app about how far you can swim, bike, and run comfortably, then the workouts you're being prescribed should be matched to your general fitness level.

The one caveat is how far away your first scheduled race is.

If you're a total beginner athlete and you've scheduled a big race very soon, then you'll may find the workouts too challenging. The MōTTIV training app prescribes workouts according to what you should be able to do on any given day, based on the length of your longest upcoming race and the date of that race.

As long as you've given yourself enough time and answered the questions appropriately, then we'll be giving you just the right workouts to start getting you ready for your race(s)!

But what if you're still feeling overwhelmed by the workouts?

Most of our workouts are set up based on what is known as Rate of Perceived Exertion. That means, the athlete always sets the pace based on their fitness level! The fitter you are, the more your RPE changes to reflect your fitness and you will be working harder. For beginners, as you work out with us and get fitter, your RPE will also change and you'll be working appropriately harder too!

Much of our training also uses Zone training, which is why you are required to input your birthdate and answer some questions during onboarding, as well as the option to enter your FTP number on the zone page. This will also give you the levels of where you need to be working out in certain workouts. 

However, if you still need to build up the distances during any workout, the best way to approach it is as follows:

Week 1: Complete as much of today's workout as you can.

Week 2: Add 10% to the time or distance you completed from Week 1.

Week 3: Take your rest week.

Week 4: Add 10% to the time or distance you completed from Week 2

Repeat this process until you reach the prescribed distances.