Training in hot weather is an important consideration to account for because it places a really big stress on your body.

A common question we get is how to adapt your zones for hot weather. The answer is: you don't!

Your zones will stay the same when training in hot or humid conditions (even indoors). But, because of the weather conditions, your heart rate is likely to climb more quickly, so your pace or power will naturally be slower. 

In other words, you will likely find your HR will go higher at a much slower pace in hot/humid conditions -- you may even find you have to walk to stay under your HR cap, and THAT IS OKAY!

With time, your pace will increase again. You can rest assured that even at a slow pace, your body will be getting the right training stimulus because your heart rate is pumping at the right effort level.

One huge thing to account for is additional sweating in hot conditions. We never want to allow ourselves to become dehydrated. Becoming dehydrated will  increase your heart rate toward the end of a workout, it will make you unnecessarily hungry later in the day, and make it more likely that you’ll get injured. So, be sure to increase the amount of fluid and electrolytes you consume during all workouts done in the heat.