Prior to your first race of the season, we recommend doing a minimum of 4-6 open water swims.

These swims will transfer the open water skills we’ve developed in the pool (sighting, deck ups, race takeouts) into the open water and set you up for success.

It will take some adjustment for your shoulders to get used to being constricted by a wetsuit, so doing open water swims will ensure your wetsuit will loosen up, making it more pliable on race day.

If you absolutely can’t get into your wetsuit prior to race day, you should put it on in the shower in cool water a few times, to help loosen it up.

Rather than prescribe specific open water swims, which is hard to do because athletes don’t have markers the same way they do in the pool, we'll suggest features to include in your open water swims that will make for a beneficial workout. Swim as long as you want in open water, getting in at least a total amount of time swimming as you’ll spend in your race.


  1. Run, dive, or deep water start (depending on what the start is like in your race) into the water and swim out Fast for 50 strokes then settle into a race pace effort of 75-85%.  Perform 6-8 repeats of this with a full recovery of 2-3min between.
  2. Varied pacing swimming: 25 easy strokes - 25 strokes at 85-90% - 50 easy strokes - 50 strokes at  85-90% - 75 easy strokes - 75 strokes at 85-90% - 100 easy strokes - 100  strokes at 85-90% - 75 easy strokes - 75 strokes at 85-90% - 50 easy strokes -  50 strokes at 85-90% - 25 easy strokes - 25 strokes at 85-90%  * Perform this full sequence 2-3 times with a full 3-5min recovery between.
  3. 3. Practice sighting breathing on both sides 
    • Breath every second stroke  
    • Sight a tall landmark onshore not something in the water  
    • Practice sharp turns swimming at a fast pace and performing 90 degree turns.

         4. If you’re able to swim with friends, try to swim in close quarters to each other to get used to the contact you’ll experience during a race.

        5. If you’re swimming with friends, take turns where each of you leads while the other drafts for 100 strokes at a time  


  • Practice in whatever swimsuit/wetsuit/swim skin you’ll wear during the race.
  • Use mirrored goggles to reduce the glare in the water. 
  • Before you swim in open water you can put in a tiny drop of liquid soap (and rub it around the lenses) to reduce fog.
  • Use the double cap method of swim cap-goggles-swim cap to make sure your swim cap stays on during the race.
  • Use a New Wave Swim Buoy for safety and confidence.