We're thrilled to have guided strength and mobility workouts as part of your plans on the MōTTIV training app at no extra cost.


  1. How can I add yoga to my training plan?
  2. Click "Schedule" in the left hand menu.
  3. Click the + symbol on a day where you have room to add a workout.
  4. Scroll down in the drop-down box to Strength & Mobility.
  5. Select the workout you want by clicking on the blue +.  (You can only select workouts that are not greyed-out.)

    2) Which kettlebell weights should I buy?

3) What if I don't want to do kettlebell (strength) or yoga (mobility) training?

We really encourage you to try the kettlebell & yoga workouts, they're so much fun AND they're designed specifically to support and enhance your endurance training!  But you can do your own strength workout if you'd prefer.  

4) What if I have an injury and can't use certain body parts for the kettlebell workouts?
Trainer Craig offers modifications within the guided workouts themselves if you have an injury or you don't feel strong enough to do the full movements. You'll notice that our athletes in the videos even need modifications: for example, Chris has a shoulder injury, Julie-Anne wears a knee brace, and Demi is pregnant!  If they can do it, so can you. :)