In many workouts on the MōTTIV training app, the nutrition information will guide you to have a no carb or non-carbohydrate source of fuel before or during your workout. Keeping your blood sugar stable during less intense workouts is key to building up your endurance; you'll train your body to be more efficient with fuel and access a nearly limitless supply of energy from fat stores.

For those workouts you can fuel with a fat source, a protein source, or both together. Some examples are:
-nut butters

-no-carb protein shake (powder and water)


-protein bars
-other low-carb/keto bars
-UCan bars*

*While Ucan bars technically have carbs in them, they are manufactured in such a way that the carbs are very slowly released, thus not causing the typical blood sugar spike and crash you would experience with a normal carb source.  That's why we can recommend UCan bars, even when we're suggesting a non-carb source of fuel.