When you move into Race Season, you will notice that your strength workouts go from 3 per week to 1 per week.

This is intentional and NOT an error.

When you are in race prep season, the pounding the body takes from triathlon training is more than enough. If you did three weight sessions a week on top of the triathlon training, not only would you risk overtraining/burnout/injury, you'd get to a point where your body would be so overworked that you would have no benefit from the strength AND you'd also be cutting into your gains in endurance. When people continue multiple strength sessions per week during race season, they often find they they plateau in their training or even find they're somehow getting slower.

In other words, more is NOT better. This is called the point of diminishing returns.

It's also important to note that your race season strength sessions are light, mobility sessions to keep the body loose and moving well. As we mentioned above, this isn't the time to be trying to build muscle -- race prep season is when endurance is most important, not building muscle!

When you're into the off-season you'll get three strength per week again.