The type of cycling you'd be doing in a cycling training studio or on a spin bike, is not the same as what you need to be doing to train for a triathlon, duathlon, or cycling race.  

Think of it like trying to learn to drive a truck by using a go-kart. Sure, you might be able to "drive" the go-kart around a track, but as soon as you got into a full sized vehicle and tried to drive on the highway with other cars around, you'd be overwhelmed and totally unequipped for the task.

Training for a triathlon or a bike race is not the same type of riding as you do in a cycling studio or spin class.

Number one, the geometry of a spin bike or stationary bike that you'd find in a gym or a cycling studio, is totally different than a road bike or triathlon bike you'd be using in a race. You need to train on the type of bike you'll use in your race, with the proper body position, to get your body ready for the event. Using an indoor bike means you won't be working the correct muscles at the correct angles, and you won't be getting your body comfortable in your race riding position.

But more importantly, the workouts we prescribe in the app are written very specifically to build you up the right way for your race -- it's not just about the intention of the workout, but what we have put in it and the zones/pace/FTP you need to hold while riding.

So even though in a spin class, they might do a "power" or "endurance" workout, it will not be the same as the kind of power or endurance workout we have written for you that is specific to your training plan. Our workouts build upon each other so you're constantly gaining endurance, strength, power, and speed -- and the swim, bike, and run workouts all work together in our triathlon training plans.

Doing your cycling elsewhere and not following your plan as written means you likely won't have the race result you want in the end.