Workouts on any given week can only be moved around within that week -- they can't be moved to a week later in the month.

You can't switch workouts from week to week in the app because the workouts in any given week are all meant to work together, as far as the physiological effect in your body.  Moving a workout from a different week would mean your workouts would no longer work together properly. 

For example, let's say next week is technically a "rest" week in your plan. You'd notice a reduction in the volume in all of your workouts during that week. That's purposeful, as we need to give your body that reduction so that the following week, you'd be able to push even harder and go a bit longer.  Moving a workout from a different week into your rest week would mean your body wouldn't get the amount of volume reduction necessary to keep building and growing. 

On a non-rest week, we put your workouts together in a very specific way to elicit a physiological response from your body, causing you to get stronger and faster.  SO moving a lighter workout into a non-rest week, or a workout that maybe doesn't fit the purpose of the overall week, can negate the overall training effect we're looking to achieve.

Also, we only assign testing on "rest" weeks, to make sure your body has a little extra energy to perform the test to the best of your ability, and so you don't risk injury by pushing hard on a week when your muscles will already be tired from the training load.  

So, what if you know you simply can't do a workout this week and you're wanting to move it next week?

The answer is one we know no athlete wants to hear, but:  you may just have to miss that workout. 

Believe it or not, that is really okay!  Your overall progress won't be hindered by one missed workout.  (We know it's hard to believe!)  In fact, some athletes find that missing a workout or two every once in a while keeps them mentally and physically fresh and sharp.